Programs and Services The Alliance Centre
The Alliance Centre
The West Nipissing General Hospital’s Alliance Centre offers free, confidential and bilingual mental health and substance abuse services to individuals 16 years of age and older who reside within the Municipality of West Nipissing. All referral sources, including self-referrals, are accepted.
Hours of service
Office hours are from 8h30 to 4h30, Monday to Friday. Evening service is available in special circumstances. The weekly Walk-In Clinic is open on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
There are no fees for service. Costs would usually relate to the provision of reports or documentation to a third party with the written permission of the client.
Crisis Intervention Services are available through the West Nipissing General Hospital
Centre Alliance Centre
Ph: 705-753-2271
Fax: 705-753-4202
Brochures & Downloads
Services include:
Mental Health Counselling and Treatment Program
The Mental Health Counselling and Treatment Program offers counselling and therapy services that are client-centred and focus on assisting the individual in identifying and reducing symptoms of distress, increase his/her ability to manage symptoms of illness, improve daily functioning and reduce the possibility of self-harm. The goal of therapy is to change. Clients are assisted in focusing on gaining a better understanding of themselves and their symptoms by addressing core issues and changing their problematic thoughts and behaviours. This is a high commitment program where structured cognitive-behavioural, dialectical-behavioural and Internal Family Systems Theory is utilized to assist individuals in reaching their goals. Individuals who wish to engage in this program’s services are generally seen for 8 sessions, with a re-evaluation of their set goals at the 4th session. Prospective clients must be willing and able to engage and actively participate in structured therapy that may include ongoing assignments as well as the practicing of therapeutic exercises.
Substance Abuse/Addictions Assessment and Treatment
Substance abuse services include assessment, community treatment and referral to external services such as withdrawal management services and residential treatment. Community treatment includes counselling services for individuals and family members who feel they are affected by someone’s substance use.
Addictions Medicine Program
The Addictions Medicine Program offers rapid access to medically assisted therapy for substance use disorders. Supports, as well as case management services and assistance in accessing treatment programs, are also offered. The Addictions Medicine Program Team provides a safe space where people can get help. Our philosophy for treatment and care starts with a healing environment that includes being person-centred, trauma-informed and without judgement.
Needle Syringe Program
In collaboration with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, the Alliance Centre offers an evidenced based harm reduction initiative through a needle syringe program.
Intensive Case Management Program
Case management services are individualized supports offered to persons living with severe and persistent mental illness in order to help them achieve the highest level of functioning in the community. Services include advocacy, symptom monitoring and management, improved access to primary care services, education regarding illness, community re-integration, assistance with money management skills, crisis counselling, supportive counselling and support in accessing other community services when appropriate.
Walk-In Clinic
The Walk-In Clinic is a service offered to individuals who would like to seek assistance but may not be ready to engage in formal mental health and or substance abuse services. The Walk-In Clinic is available to individuals 16 years of age and older. Walk-ins will meet with a clinician for a single session (approximately one hour) to address a mental health or substance abuse concern.
Psychiatric Consultation
Visiting psychiatrists provide up to 5 days per month of consultation and follow-up through a shared-care approach with the counsellors and therapists at the Alliance Centre. Referrals are first screened in order to ensure that all the necessary documentation of demographics, past history, medication, past hospitalization and treatment are gathered prior to the initial appointment. Referrals are accepted from physicians only. In situations where the person has no family physician, Alliance Centre counsellors or therapists may make a referral to psychiatry.
Crisis Intervention Program
The Crisis Intervention Program offers telephone or face-to-face contact to persons who seek immediate relief from symptoms of emotional and/or situational distress which affect their ability to cope. Services include assessment and crisis counselling as well as liaison, client advocacy and referral to community agencies when appropriate. The Crisis Intervention Program is open from 4 to 11 pm 365 days a year. It can be accessed by calling 705-753-3110 x 288 or by presenting to the Information Desk at the West Nipissing General Hospital.
Mobile Crisis Response Team
In collaboration with OPP Nipissing West, the Alliance Centre offers a mobile crisis response service. This service is embedded within the OPP Nipissing West Detachment and is not open to referrals received from community partners. The MCRT is dispatched by the OPP Nipissing West to assist their officers when responding to calls for service involving issues related to mental health and or substance abuse.
Community Wellness Program
The Community Wellness Program delivers workshops aimed at enhancing mental, emotional and physical wellness. Workshops offered are as follows:
- Relationships: This workshop focuses on learning about different types of relationships, new skills for effective communication and to identify and replace unrealistic expectations.
- Wellness: The wellness workshop stresses balance in all parts of one’s life. Participants learn the fundamental principles of attaining good mental, emotional and physical health.
- Anxiety: The focus of this workshop is education regarding anxiety, its symptoms and causes, as well as how to establish positive coping strategies.
- Mood Disorders: This is a “self-help” workshop focusing on the establishment of positive coping strategies and the development of a Wellness Recovery Action Plan.
- Self-Esteem: This workshop focuses on learning to discover our true selves by becoming more aware of our inner critic and discovering our strengths.
- Anger Management: Learning to identify anger and healthier ways to deal with conflict, resentment and other negative feelings.
- Grief: Not everyone experiences grief the same way. This workshop discusses coping and healing after the death of a loved one.
- Pre-contemplative group: The goal of this workshop is to explore substance use and misuse. It also examines healthy guidelines in order to minimize harmful consequences of a person’s use of substances.