West Nipissing General Hospital

Patient Relations – Complaints and Compliments

Patients, residents and family compliments and concerns are always welcome as this feedback provides us with an opportunity to improve.

Please share your concerns with Patient Relations Officer Sue LeBeau, President & CEO.

Telephone: 705-753-3110 extension 316 Email: administration@wngh.ca Attention: Sue LeBeau

Pay Parking Fee for visitors and outpatients

Visitors and outpatients have the following options relating to the pay parking:

Pay the fee of $3.25 per visit in the east side parking lot or $3.25 per visit in the south parking lot;
The families of patients and residents may purchase parking cards for long-term parking from the Cashier/Payments desk located in the Finance Department or the Information desk at a monthly fee of $23.50 plus a $5.00 deposit for the parking card or $11.75 for two weeks plus a $5.00 card deposit.

To exit the parking lots, please be advised that our machines do not except debit, credit or bills. It only excepts change. To obtain change, you may use the change machine located in front of the information desk or the Alliance Centre.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones are restricted in all patient care areas of the hospital. This restriction is in accordance with the Privacy Legislation.

Scent-free Environment

To protect the health and well-being of our patients, visitors, and staff, the WNGH kindly requests that you do not wear or use any scented products while on hospital property. Scented products linger long after an individual leaves an area. This can cause allergic reactions and respiratory distress for patients, visitors, and staff. Your co-operation in assisting the hospital to promote a fragrance-free environment is appreciated.


Cafeteria services feature beverages, sandwiches, hot meals, and baked goods. Vending machines are available for nourishment.  Open daily (Monday to Friday) from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. and closed on weekends and statutory holidays.

The Butterfly Café

The Butterfly Café is open 24/7, 365 days a year, and offers a wide variety of grab and go food options including salads, soups, sandwiches, desserts and freshly prepared meals from our Cafeteria.  You can now enjoy freshly ground coffee, as well as other hot specialty drinks.