West Nipissing General Hospital

The WNGH Accessibility Plan was developed under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. The WNGH Accessibility Plan is revised as needed and can be accessed following this link: Accessibility Plan 2024-2027

The WNGH is committed to providing accessible care to patients/residents with and without disabilities.

The WNGH is committed to providing services to persons with disabilities. WNGH accessible services include:

  • TTY
  • interpretation services
  • personal assisted devices
  • walkers, wheelchairs & canes
  • disability parking
  • wheelchair accessible doors
  • wheelchair accessible bathrooms

The WNGH provides all patient care on the main level.

When communicating with a person with a disability WNGH will do so in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.

All Accessibility policies are available upon request. Comments, suggestions & feedback are always welcome as we strive for ongoing quality improvement.