West Nipissing General Hospital

The West Nipissing General Hospital, built-in 1977, boasts clean, modern facilities and superlative support services. We have 99 beds (29 Medical, 2 Pediatric, 19 Complex Continuing Care and 48 Long-Term Care) plus a 1-bed hospice suite and a 24-hour Emergency Department.

Within the community, there are 10 family physicians through the FHT, CHC and RNPGA models, one full-time internist, visiting surgeons and visiting specialists. We host regular cardiology, urology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology and psychiatry clinics and consultation visits by these visiting specialists.

The West Nipissing General Hospital has a laboratory on-site, with pathology work referred to North Bay. Radiology encompasses general radiology. Radiologists are on-site two days a week and we have state-of-the-art radiology equipment at their disposal. PACS now provides digital transmission of our Diagnostic Imaging results giving immediate access to radiologists and specialists in North Bay and Sudbury. The WNGH also offers a satellite Oncology program through the Regional Cancer Program of Health Sciences North with Chemotherapy services provided to the residents of West Nipissing.

Our mammography department offers diagnostic mammography and screening, and our two ultrasound rooms offer general ultrasounds as well as Doppler studies. Equipment includes a Bi-Pap/ ventilator, cardiac monitors, six telemetry units, two central monitoring stations, resuscitation carts and smart system IV pumps. Our fully equipped Emergency Department has six treatment rooms, a four-bed observation room,  a Virtual Critical Care telemedicine system and portable ultrasound equipment. Our medical facility also has an ECG department including 24 & 48 hour Holter Monitor, Pulmonary Function Testing, Stress Test capability, 24 hour Blood Pressure monitoring and a full-time Respiratory Therapist.